Thursday, January 15, 2009


It is freezing cold here today. I know it is for most of you readers too, although I actually have no idea who reads this thing, and some days that weirds me out. Every once in a while I hear a comment about someone reading my blog, and I had no idea they did. it's odd....right bloggers?

anyway, so I woke up and put my teddy bear fleece pjs that my mom made me with a matching blanket (yes, when I was a grown up. all 5 of us got gigantic "kid pjs" that we love...) and spent most of the morning sacked out in the basement with the space heater on HIGH. It was a warm and snuggly morning, except for the pilates workout mid-way through.

And soon enough, as it does every day, lunchtime rolled around....

I decided to forge the freezing tundra that is the GARAGE and head to the deep freezer for some corn dogs. (Thanks, dad, for getting my whole entire family hooked on this carnival-esque junkfood.) I already had the oven warming up, because if I'M eating the corn dogs, they are baked, not microwaved. (Microwaved corn dogs are for when the kids are eating alone, and a babysitter is coming soon so I can go on a date with my hubby.) I like 'em toasty. :)

State Farm corn dogs are possibly the most wonderful kid-food ever. Better than plain hot dogs. Better than grilled cheese. Better than mac-n-cheese. Better even than Kraft mac-n-cheese when I make it with the 'secret Smits recipe'. Yes, they are that good. And the best part is that the more you buy, the cheaper they are!

So I get back from the tundra, still in my teddy bear pj bottoms (the sleeves of the top got in my way too much), and pop the wrappers open to reaveal the frozen goodness. They get placed on a cookie sheet with sides (because I would GUESS they might roll off one that doesn't have sides, but that's only a GUESS) and proceed to wait the longest 16-20 minutes EVER.

Meanwhile, I decide to look at the wrapper. bad idea. there are far too many ingredients in this list for it to have ANY amount of nutrition in it. But come on, who can resist a 'batter wrapped hot dog on a stick made with pork and turkey'? not me. and besides, it has ZERO grams trans fat. As do the ramen noodles I decide to serve up with the batter wrapped hot dogs on a stick made with pork and turkey. ZERO grams. (never mind the partially hydrogenated oil, the corn syrup, the mechanically seperated turkey, and the list of words I cannot pronounce.) so much for that pilates workout. But since I always have to check the allergy info, I found out they DO contain egg, milk, soy, and wheat! and those are all quite good for you.

Not soon enough the batter wrapped deliciousness is done, and perfection in a kids lunch is acheieved. And I decided, that since I went TWO days this week without a Diet Coke, even though we had them in the house, I would indulge myself doubly for this meal. (see, I'm also a Diet Coke-aholic) and it was good. warm, and processed, and unhealthy, and good. so good.

Next time I just won't look at the package. Unless I'm going to read the part that says "SATISFACTION GUARANTEED."

yes, in call caps. :)


Rachel said...

you crack me up...I'm not a fan of corndogs...but mac'n'cheese is mmm mm good (Kraft of course! ) :)

Angela Kim said...

some days you just need to indulge, right? i was thinking--just today-- that we need to allow ourselves "lazy days"...whether it means not worrying about healthy food or not worrying about too much tv or changing out of our pjs. we are definitely allowed days like that. :)

Anonymous said...

I hope you made some of Papa's "special sauce" for the corn dogs! So tasty!! And I didn't realize that I passed on my technique for Mac & Cheese.


~cody said...

You can be my new best friend. I love kid food. And I never thought to look at the allergens for justification...what a fantastic idea. Thanks for the smile!

Unknown said...

now I'm curious as to the Smits secret.....I do love corn dogs, though!