Wednesday, August 5, 2009

How to mow the lawn with 3 (awake) kids, ages 4, 2, and 1.

1. Make a plan with the kids, telling them you are going to mow while they play outside.
2. Run to catch them before they head across the street to ask the neighbor if she can play with them.
3. Be the most horrible mom ever by making them wait to go out while you put your socks and shoes on.
4. Put the one year old in a stroller to watch. Be sure she has toys.
5. Pick up the sticks in the front yard while contemplating how on earth the tree could possibly lose that many freaking sticks since the last time the lawn was mowed, which wasn't THAT long ago.
6. Begin mowing front section.
7. After two rows, tend to an owie tummy. Encourage pooping.
8. Resume mowing.
9. After two more rows, wipe a poopy butt. My children have OPPOSITE bowel issues, and it baffles me daily.
10. Resume mowing.
11. After two more rows, wipe the poopy butt again.
12. Thank messenger for relaying all the messages of his sister's poopy butt.
13. Remind said poopy butt owner that pre-school is just around the corner and pre-school teachers don't have time to wipe poopy butts. But thank her for not just making her underwear all dirty and letting mommy help, even though we DO have a functioning washer and dryer...but that's another story.
14. Resume mowing.
15. Complete the front section.
16. Stop to dump the bag of grass. Curse at all the grass that falls out while you detatch the bag.
17. Move stroller to next section.
18. Explain to older kids how much lawn you have left to mow.
19. Resume mowing.
20. After about two rows, stop mower to pick up dropped toys for baby.
21. Resume mowing.
22. After about two rows, explain to older kids that NO, you are not done. See all the long grass? Please just let mommy mow for a while without stopping.
23. Resume mowing.
24. After about ten rows (yay kids!) stop mower to dump bag of grass. Curse at all the grass that falls out while you detatch the bag. again.
25. Resume mowing.
26. After a few more rows, stop mower to move stroller, and wonder to yourself why you didn't just to that when you were dumping the bag.
27. Take note of how croaking hot you are, even though it was chilly when you came out. Much time has passed.
28. Remove t-shirt and pray that no one notices your weird tank-top thing with some form of bra insert that...well...just doesn't do much.
29. Resume mowing.
30. **TMI ALERT! READ AT YOUR OWN DISCRETION** Reminisce about the time in your life where you could just mow in the front yard of your Orange City house in your swimming suit and not feel inappropriate about it. That time is not now. Birthing and nursing three babies has taken it's toll, and real bras are forevermore necessary. *my apologies for the visual image I just created. :)
31. Mow directly next to the house and watch all the millions of crickets jumping for their lives.
32. Notice how you don't even slow up for them. Keep right on mowing and almost laughing at the little critters. Then feel suddenly sad at your lack of concern for God's creatures.
33. Stop mower to dump bag of grass. Curse at all the grass that falls out while you detatch the bag. again.
34. Resume mowing.
35. Finish final section of lawn by the garden. Use all your will power to not stop the mower AGAIN to grab a handful of jellybean tomatoes that are tempting you to stop and have a snack. KEEP ON MOWING.
36. Finish mowing final section.
37. Stop mower to dump bag of grass. Curse at all the grass that falls out while you detatch the bag. again.
38. Place mower back in garage.
39. Save the trimming for your husband. :)
40. Go enjoy a nice cold diet coke. (gotta go...)

40 steps, huh? I guess I'm not surprised. I could have easily titled this post "How to do ANYTHING with 3 (awake) kids, ages 4, 2, and 1."

I love my life. :)


Corinne Doughan said...

This will definitely come in handy in my life. :) (I totally agree about the branches falling off the tree in the front yard by the way ... it's a wonder there are any branches left).


Anonymous said...

"How to mow the lawn with 1 (sleeping) kid."
1. get the mower out
2. put a tiny bit of gas in
3. start the mower
4. don't bag the grass, it's way easier :)
5. mow the whole yard without stopping the mower even once (not even to move the recycling bin that's still out b/c you can just kick it out of they way)
6. save the trimming for your husband
7. come inside to talk to your sister who was going to mow at the same time but didn't :)


Rachel said...

that's why I leave ALL of the lawn tending to my husband. :)

Kim Doughan said...

Was that Maria being a little smart butt???

I love this post because I was just thinking today that my two older children are getting jipped out of their summer because my third child arrived and I can barely make it outside at all, even if it's just to let them play. I don't know how you do it. You're always "doing stuff" and I feel like I can barely make it through the day "doing nothing". You're such a GREAT mom, keep it up and keep inspiring me!

Renee said...


Renee said...


Jantina said...

At least you make a plan for your kiddos... the strategy at our house with only 2 kids (2 and 1):

Put the van on the driveway (in the shade).
Set the emergency brake.
Open the back hatch thing.
Open all the windows.
Take the keys and put them inside on the counter so they cannot be lost.
And mow while casually glancing at the van as the doors go open and shut - the girls' favorite buttons to push :-)
And be prepared to pick lose change out of any air vent and slot available!